An invitation to friends and colleagues (and strangers!) to take a very informal three-question straw-poll about human activity sending messages from Earth into outer...
Last month myself and three other researchers from the LSE participated in the Natural History Museum's Soapbox: Science Uncovered.
One colleague, Amelia Sharman (@AmeliaSharman), today published...
This is a briefing paper I produced for a conference on Studying Existential Risks—LSE CARR 27 June 2014
"Studying Extinction Level Impacts (ELI’s) from Near...
Thursday 16 May 2013
Symposium on Legal and Policy aspects of space cooperation between Europe and BRICS countries; Inventory, Challenges and Opportunities
Interdisciplinary event, jointly organized...
Hello loyal readers--this app also includes content from our wonderful journal Global Policy! Read on below:
Wiley-Blackwell’s Politics & Government Spotlight App has launched and...