International Women’s Day is next Sunday, 8 March: a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
I’m very happy to be speaking at a related event on Tuesday 10 March from 10am – 12pm in Luton, UK. I’ll be there as a Trustee of Luton All Women’s Centre hosted by Metro Bank, and am honoured to be a guest speaker. It’s free to attend, there will be refreshments and all are very welcome!
Metro Bank invites you to join us for an informal networking event at our Luton store to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Dr Jill Stuart, London School of Economics
Jill is an international speaker on many areas of women and equality, including women and science. She will talk about gender equality in the workplace and the importance of International Women’s Day being a shared event that is celebrated around the world.
Caroline Cook, Chief Executive, Luton All Women’s Centre
Caroline will talk about how businesses can become more ‘domestic abuse aware,’ resulting in reduced staff absenteeism and sickness, better performance and retention of valued members of staff. Being a more informed employer will improve your ability to attract skilled staff and improve staff motivation.
There will be an opportunity to make connections with like minded individuals over drinks and refreshments. This is a free event and open to all. We hope you will join us.
DATE: Tuesday 10 March 2020 TIME: 10am – 12pm
VENUE: Metro Bank 10-20 Castle Street Luton, LU1 3AJ