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New Publications

Blog on public engagement by Amelia Sharman

Last month myself and three other researchers from the LSE participated in the Natural History Museum's Soapbox: Science Uncovered. One colleague, Amelia Sharman (@AmeliaSharman), today published...

“Extraterrestrial Altruism” edited by Douglas Vakoch 2014

I've been really interested in the work of Douglas Vakoch ever since I met him at a conference many years ago. I blogged his...

“Why Mars” by W Henry Lambright

Another new title just out that I would like to have reviewed for the journal Space Policy. If interested, contact me! Why Mars: NASA and the...

“NASA Spinning Off Since 1962”

This is a fun infographic that was sent to me to share from http://www.greatbusinessschools.org/nasa/ Source: GreatBusinessSchools.org

Studying Extinction Level Impacts from Near Earth Objects

This is a briefing paper I produced for a conference on Studying Existential Risks—LSE CARR 27 June 2014 "Studying Extinction Level Impacts (ELI’s) from Near...

New Book: The Iranian Space Endeavor

I'll be looking for someone to review this for me for Space Policy. Note that Springer tends to not send out free review hard...

My thoughts on the UAE’s annoucement of Mars plans

I wrote a piece today for The Conversation about the UAE's announcement of plans to send a mission to Mars... https://theconversation.com/the-emirates-paves-way-for-a-middle-east-space-programme-with-its-mission-to-mars-29489

“Nobody Owns the Moon: The Ethics of Space Exploration” by Tony Milligan

Dr Tony Milligan is guest editing a forthcoming Special Section of Space Policy on space ethics: watch this 'space'! Available for pre-order now, out in...

22 April 2014: Essay contest “Preparing for the Distant Future of Civilization”

22 April 2014 deadline, 1500 word essays by students between the ages of 18 and 30. From the website here The activities of our global civilization...

June 2014: Contribute to “Sky Scrolls” project

From the website here SKY SCROLLS Looking up on a clear and dark night the brilliant lights of our visible Universe reveal themselves. The vast territory of...

Temporary Free Access to Issue 29(4) of Space Policy!

Note from Carrie Christensen, Publisher Editor-in-Chief Stuart and Elsevier invite you to enjoy this quarter’s issue of Space Policy, the highlight of which is the opening...

New Book “The Transformation of Intergovernmental Satellite Organisations: Policy and Legal Perspectives”

As always, I'll be looking for someone to review this for Space Policy--give me a shout if you're interested! I'm happy to see that...

